Wednesday, 25 April 2018


Subject:-Downloading of  Admit  cards  for  the  Written  exam  of General  Teacher, (School Education  Department),  advertised  vide  notification  06  of  2017  - regarding.

1.  It  is  for  the  information of all  the  candidates  who  have  applied  for  the  General Teacher, (School  Education Department),  advertised vide notification 06 of 2017, that their admit  cards shall be available for downloading  at least two weeks before the scheduled date of  exam,  as  per  Annexure “A”  of this  notice,  from the JKSSB’s Online Application  Portal  (  Candidates can get  access to  the admit  cards  from main  homepage  by entering  application number  and DOB (as entered in  the application form).

2.  Any Candidate who  finds any mistake in his/her admit  card  must  inform  the Board at its Portal  email  ID  (  Any candidate who  does not  find his/her admit  card must  send  self-explanatory  mail  at  the said email  address along with evidence  in support of  his/her claim.  No  claim  or representation shall  be entertained after the  last  date  mentioned  in the enclosed annexure.  Claims will  be  accepted only through  the above email  and  not anywhere  elsewhere.

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